Boris Johnson: What Next?

As you may’ve seen this week and over the past few weeks, Boris Johnson’s government has been embroiled in what is seemingly a very British scandal indeed – it all revolves around a Christmas party. People aren’t happy though because this party happened at No.10 last year, when London and the rest of the country were in the midst of lockdown restrictions. Really not good!

Over the past week, the official line has seemingly been that there’s no party – but we’re going to open an investigation anyway. But it’s progressively got worse for the PM, a lot worse.

A video emerged earlier this week of a mock press conference led by the PM’s former ‘press secretary’ Allegra Stratton filmed around the time of this party and laugh and joke about it and the restrictions:

She then emerged on her front doorstep the day after the leaking, to face the UK’s media and issued a tearful, blubbery apology:

After watching that, I can only think of one thing. Was she a scapegoat, a fall guy for the Prime Minister’s scandal? Did he really think that it could go away that easily? Well, no.

It later emerged that the Prime Minister’s Head of Communications had been at one of the many government events in December 2020, which by this time we knew consisted of at least four parties and a Christmas quiz. He then tried to offer his resignation to the Prime Minister, who apparently refused.

It was about to get a whole lot worse for the Prime Minister though, because as of writing these photos of the Prime Minister at a Christmas Quiz have emerged:

Obtained by The Mirror, this picture was taken when the government was advising us to socially distance

But this raises even bigger questions about Boris Johnson and causes worries about the effects on our democracy – and no I don’t think he should resign, we’d probably get an even worse Tory if there is such a thing!

If we were to have an election, it’s certainly possible that this could cause people to sway towards new, far-right anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-restrictions party. Don’t get me wrong, this does make me angry and upset – but there’s still a global pandemic. We still need to make sure that the virus isn’t spreading.

We’ve just got to hope that the rumours of Nigel Farage returning to politics are untrue – or we’re all doomed.


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